Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lost in Space

I was reading through news headlines today, and I thought I'd talk about a different kind of technology; space technology. I have always been fascinated with space discoveries and searches, and I'm a huge believer that there is a lot more than we know outside of our atmosphere. I became really interested my freshman year when I took an average Astronomy class, and on the first day I was hooked by the information! Even if my teacher thought other life forms were absurd. Why do some people teach?

USA Today released information about a "mega-Earth" discovery via telescope, which is basically a planet that is double our size. Normally planets that large are gas planets, but planet Kepler is definitely solid. The planet also has much more water than Earth does, but it orbits too close to its sun in order to sustain life.


Even though they won't find life forms on this new planet, I 100% believe that our technology one day will be able to locate something. Space is absolutely enormous and it will take years and years to start reaching far enough, but I bet they are constantly working to develop new technology to do so. Even if you don't believe in "aliens", it's hard to deny all of the new planets and organisms that are being located. We owe so much to technology, and this is one of those cases where we wouldn't have come so far without it.

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